DGF is currently receiving an extremely high volume of applications. Our team is working around the clock to process applications as quickly as possible and respond to questions, based on severity of need.
Once you have confirmation from Submittable that your application was received, it is in the review process. Our team will be in touch with any questions or additional materials needed to process your grant request.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to support theater writers in this unprecedented time.
Writers seeking financial support through a DGF Emergency Grant, please submit the following application:
Applications will be processed based on severity of need. Please be advised: DGF cannot process grant requests for funds toward artistic projects through this application process. Funds are most often used for necessary life expenses like groceries, utility bills and medical expenses.
If you are looking for financial support related to housing costs like rent/mortgage payments or moving expenses, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, please apply for a Housing Assistance Grant.
If you have previously received a DGF Emergency Grant since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, or hold a minimum of $15,000 in your combined bank accounts, we kindly ask that you refrain from re-applying at this time.
For paper applications, please see below.
Am I eligible for a DGF Emergency Grant?
- I have written two or more completed works for the American theater within the past 10 years and I was at least 18 years old at the time the work was written.
- I am currently enrolled in or have graduated from a degree program in dramatic writing or musical theater (creative or nonfiction writing programs are not eligible).
- I am a member or have participated in one or more writer’s associations (e.g. LA Alliance of Playwrights, the Dramatists Guild, the Playwright’s Center).
- My work has been professionally developed, workshopped, or produced.
- My work has been presented for paying audience
- I have been commissioned or paid to write a play.
- A work that is at least 10-minutes in length when performed.
- A solo-performed work that is at least 30-minutes in length when performed and comprised primarily of words, and/or words and music (DGF cannot support stand-up comedy at this time).
- A piece comprised primarily of words, and/or words and music (this does not include orchestrations, underscoring, choreography based work, etc).
- Script, lyrics, music, libretto for a piece of dramatic writing or musical theater storytelling that is intended for the theater.
Additional Resources
The Emergency Grants program serves playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists in the theatrical genre. DGF is part of a community of organizations supporting writers and artists at this time. If you are not eligible for this grant, please see the following links to find the organization that can best assist you.
If you are primarily:
a musician/composer (other than musical theater), please click here and here
a novelist/nonfiction/fiction writer, please click here
a screenwriter, please click here
an actor or performance artist, please click here
a journalist, please click here
a director, please click here or here
For additional resources, please click here.
Paper Applications
Please use our paper application only if you are unable to access our digital application, as paper applications have increased processing times.
Click here to download the paper application.
Please email paper applications and supplemental materials to applications@dgf.org, or mail paper applications to the address below. Please note that paper applications will be delayed in processing.
Rachel Routh
520 8th Avenue, Suite 2401
New York, NY 10018
DGF serves all dramatists based in the United States, regardless of their immigration status.
Subvenciones de emergencia
Es muy importante apoyar a los escritores en tiempos de adversidad para que puedan volver a la labor que hacen mejor. DGF ofrece ayuda financiera a dramaturgos, compositores, liricistas y libretistas con ferviente necesidad económica causada por dificultades imprevistas o enfermedades.
Si usted es escritor y tiene necesidad, le podemos ayudar.
Las solicitudes serán procesadas según lo grave de la situación de necesidad. Les informamos DGF no puede procesar solicitudes que pidan apoyo para fondear proyectos artísticos de ningún tipo. Los apoyos económicos son, por lo general, utilizados para gastos personales como servicios y gastos médicos.
Si usted ha recibido dos subvenciones de emergencia de DGF desde el inicio del COVID-19, o si tiene un mínimo de $15,000 en combinación de sus cuentas, le pedimos amablemente que por favor se abstenga de hacer una nueva solicitud.
Aplicar por una solicitud de emergencia
Para llenar una solicitud en papel, use la siguiente referencia:
¿Soy elegible para una subvención de emergencia de DGF?
- He estudado un MFA en dramaturgia, o dramaturgia para teatro musical.
- He escrito un libreto completo o la música para una obra entera.
- Mi obra o musical ha sido presentada ante un público que pagó por sus boletos.
- Más de una de las anteriores.
- Ninguna de las anteriores.
- Entiendo que los tiempos de procesamiento de la solicitud pueden variar. DGF agradece su paciencia mientras trabajamos rápidamente para apoyar a los muchos artistas que lo necesitan en este momento.*
- Se entiende que la decisión sobre conceder o no una Subvención de Emergencia, así como el importe de la misma, está a la discreción exclusive y absoluta de DGF, y antes de su desembolso, es sujeto a cambios.*
- Certifico que lo anterior es correcto y completo. Entiendo que cualquier subvención puede necesitar ser divulgada como parte de las radicaciones de registro público por parte de DGF.
- Un trabajo que dura al menos 10 minutos en representación.
- Un trabajo unipersonal que dure al menos 30 minutos en representación. (Por el momento DGF no puede apoyar comedia stand-up)
- Un trabajo conformado principalmente por palabras y/o palabras y música (Esto no incluye orquestaciones, música incidental, coreografía, etc.)
- Libretos, letras o música, para una pieza dramática o de teatro musical, escritas para ser representadas en Teatro.
Solicitudes en papel.
Por favor, solamente utilize esta aplicación si no tiene acceso a nuestra aplicación digital. Las aplicaciones de papel toman mas tiempo para procesar.
Haga click aquí para descargar la solicitud en papel.
Por favor envíe solicitudes en papel con sus materiales complementarios a applications@dgf.org o envíela por correo tradicional a la dirección siguiente. Le informamos que las solicitudes en papel tardarán más en ser procesadas.
Rachel Routh
Dramatists Guild Foundation
520 8th Avenue, Suite 2401
New York, NY 10018
DGF atiende a todos los escritores teatrales en los Estados Unidos de América sin importar estatus de inmigración.