Jonathan Caren

Plays include The House That Jake Built, Need to Know, The Recommendation (IAMA ’14, The Flea ’13, The Old Globe, ‘12), The Morning The Sun Fell Down (MTC 2013 7@7), The Vulnerable Raman Gupta (Sundance Lab ’13 Finalist), Open Heart Meditation (Ars Nova Out Loud ’11), and Catch the Fish (Upcoming, Chicago ’14, NY Fringe, Outstanding Play). 2013 McDowell Fellow, 2011-12 Dramatist Guild Fellow, 2011 New York Stage And Film Founder’s Award, T.S Eliot Old Vic/New Voices Network, SPACE @ Ryder Farm fellow, two-time Lecomte du Nouy award winner. He graduated from Juilliard and Vassar College where he studied mythology and religion.
The House That Jake Built
Need To Know
The Morning The Sun Fell Down
The Venerable Raman Gupta
Twitter: @jonthecaren