James Presson

James’ plays have been performed at La MaMa, Walkerspace, The Wild Project, the June Havoc, Orlando Rep, The Kraine, Under St. Marks, Penn State University, and Fordham University among others. He collaborated on Voices In Conflict, which ran at The Vineyard and Fairfield Theatre Company; a film version aired on PBS and was awarded two Regional Emmy Awards. As a director, he was given a FringeNYC Excellence Award for his Shakespearean adaptation, Richard 3. He serves as the co-Artistic Director of Less Than Rent Theatre, a position he has held since the company’s founding; in 2013, they were named Indie Theater Now’s “People of the Year.”
Little Town Blues, co-written with Rachel B. Joyce, first performed at The Wild Project
Friends Don’t Let Friends, first performed at Walkerspace
Words, Razors, and the Wounded Heart, first performed at Under St. Marks
Little Mac, Little Mac, You’re the Very Man!, co-written with Sean Patrick Monahan, first performed at The Kraine Theater
MONEY$HOT, music & lyrics by Alexander Sage Oyen, first performed at Orlando Fringe
Long Division, first performed at the Midtown International Theatre Festival
plays available for purchase at www.indietheaternow.com/Playwright/james-presson