Musical Theater

Jacob Yandura

Current projects with collaborator Rebekah Greer Melocik include The Last Queen of Canaan (book by Harrison David Rivers), Feral (book by Victor Lesniewksi), and a commission from New York City Children’s Theater, Wringer. Recognitions include: the Johnny Mercer Writers Colony at Goodspeed Musicals, the Rhinebeck Writers Retreat, the Johnny Mercer Songwriters Project, Cap21’s Writers Residency and ANT Fest 2013. The Last Queen of Canaanreceived developmental workshops at the Yale Institute for Music Theatre, Northern Stage and Theater Latte Da. Feralis being developed as part of Ars Nova’s 2-year UNCHARTED residency.


Wringer will receive an off-broadway production (produced by New York City Children’s Theater) at the Mint Theatre April 2016.


The Last Queen of Canaan



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